PHP include and require | #phptutorial for Beginners | #phpprogramming | #phpcourse #phptutorials

PHP include and require | #phptutorial for Beginners | #phpprogramming | #phpcourse #phptutorials

PHP include and require | #phptutorial  for Beginners | #phpprogramming | #phpcourse #phptutorials


In this video, we will learn
PHP include and require, difference between PHP include and require
How to run #phpscripts
How to run a #phpscript using #xampp and #vscode

Syntax php include and require statements
PHP Include and Require
The include() and require() statement allow you to include the code contained in a PHP file within another PHP file.
Advantage of using include() and require() statement
Instead of typing the entire block of code multiple times you can store a block of code in a separate file and include it wherever you want, using the include() and require() statements. This can save a lot of time and work.
Note: Both include and require are similar to each other, except.
Include() only generates a warning, i.e., E_WARNING, and continue the execution of the script.
Require() generates a fatal error, i.e., E_COMPILE_ERROR, and stop the execution of the script.
php for Beginners | #phpprogramming | #phpcourse #phptutorials