
Multiple File Transfer using TCP Socket in Python | Folder Transfer using TCP Socket in Python

Multiple File Transfer using TCP Socket in Python | Folder Transfer using TCP Socket in Python

In this video, we will learn how to transfer a folder or multiple files using a TCP client-server architecture in the python programming language. Here, we are going to build a python client-server program where the client would transfer multiple files (a folder) to the server and the server would receive and save all the files properly.

00:00 – Introduction
00:24 – Program folder/files structure
01:04 – Basic TCP client-server program
12:19 – The client is sending the folder name and the server is creating the folder
22:16 – The client is sending the file name and the server is creating the file
30:57 – The client is sending the data to the server
43:26 – Ending

Code: https://github.com/nikhilroxtomar/Multiple-File-Transfer-using-TCP-Socket-in-Python3

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