
Deploy Java Servlet Locally via Tomcat 10 on Windows

Deploy Java Servlet Locally via Tomcat 10 on Windows

This module is one within a longer course on Java Servlets and related concepts. A link to the next video in this online course is provided below (posted weekly). I also provide a link to downloadable supplementary materials. Subscribe to see new modules as they are posted.

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** Link to Next Video: https://youtu.be/zrxe0s1qPEI
** Link to Supplementary Materials: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jl0paauaobz01h3/Module005Resources.zip?dl=0

Objective: The objective of this example is to develop and deploy a Java Servlet locally on our Windows 10 machine. This servlet will return a web page with a random number generator.

Machine Requirements: You will need to have the Java Development Kit (JDK) and Apache Tomcat installed on your Windows Computer. Specifically, we ended up using JDK version 11.0.1 and Apache Tomcat version 10. Note that the previous module discusses how to configure Tomcat for our Windows machine.

Knowledge Requirements: You will need to have some basic background in Java as well as HTML development.

Main Resource: The main resource for this project is named [Tomcat10] in your repository. We will use other resources as well. Everything is available within this folder: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jl0paauaobz01h3/Module005Resources.zip?dl=0

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YouTube: Also subscribe to my YouTube Channel. Tons of free lectures: youtube.com/c/AnthonyDeesePhD

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