Overview and Configuration of NGINX with gRPC

Overview and Configuration of NGINX with gRPC

Overview and Configuration of NGINX with gRPC

Do you want to learn about gRPC, and how can use NGINX to proxy, load balance, and route gRPC connections? Watch this video for a brief overview of gRPC and how to configure NGINX to proxy gRPC traffic.

Use cases for gRPC:
– Generating client libraries connecting polyglot systems
– Suitable for connecting microservices at scale due to gRPCs compact serialization mechanism, and bi-directional streaming.

Use case with NGINX
– SSL termination with gRPC connections or use SSL all the way through to your backend.
– Identify gRPC services and methods, and route/load balance traffic to upstream groups using the nginx location directive

Learn more about gRPC and NGINX by reading our blog post here: http://bit.ly/2ptYdWX