
Never Thought I'd Be Playing Plague Tale In Linux[1]

First time with a Camera on screen whilst playing a game. Going to be taking it in turns, this episode played in Linux, on Manjaro KDE Plasma.
The next episode in Windows, the one after that back here in Linux, the next one in Windows, then back in Linux, then Windows, then Linux, then Windows, then Linux, then Windows until the very end of Plague Tale Innocence, which should be back in Linux for the final part.

Start the whole thing over with the Sequel Plague Tale Requiem.
Do I just sit there in total quietness? No I read out stuff in the voice it would of been, if this was set in England. Try to read anyway, some bad punctuation this game has, especially the rules of the word and. I’m not a English teacher, but I do know my English.
Do I chat? Yes the back end off a donkey. Do I bore the pants off you? Yes of course I do. What do you expect for free?

As a creator I don’t do YouTube for money or for fame. I do YouTube for the fun of creating stuff and having fun, whilst making content. Not bothered by how many Subscribers, likes or dislikes. As that is what the world has turned into a massive thumb up for everything. Never been ambitious, if I had my way I would make a MySpace comeback site, where people created their own and shared not only their art, but actually met and shared ideas. Sometimes face to face too. This of course was way before Zuckerburg’s reign of terror.

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