
Hide SharePoint Lists | Quick Tip

Hide SharePoint Lists | Quick Tip

In this video, we’ll explore a simple approach to prevent accidental data deletion or changes in SharePoint lists for your Power Apps projects. While SharePoint is a great place to store data, allowing users to access your lists may lead to inaccuracies or bugs for your app. We’ll discuss the different strategies for preventing user access, including custom groups and SharePoint settings, and why they may not be suitable for Teams users.

To address this issue, we’ll walk you through a straightforward solution using a Power Automate flow. By setting a property called “Hidden” on each list you want to hide, you can make it more difficult for users to accidentally stumble upon and modify the data. We’ll show you how to create a flow for both hiding and unhiding lists, allowing you to make them visible when necessary and then hide them again when you’re done. Keep in mind that while this approach is effective in making it more difficult for users to access your lists, it’s not a secure solution, and a determined user with enough technical knowledge can still defeat these barriers.

If you need help NOW with your project please use the link in the description to schedule a one-on-one coaching session. We’ll have a Zoom call to troubleshoot your issues and discuss any questions you may have.

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