Game Critic Plays Uncharted 4: A Thief's End for First Time

Game Critic Plays Uncharted 4: A Thief's End for First Time

Game Critic Plays Uncharted 4: A Thief's End for First Time

An oldschool gamer plays the Playstation 4 game, Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End for the first time. This video was created for journalistic purposes.

So, I am still learning how to produce these video’s for the Playstation 4 specifically. During the texting phase of the game, I found out that there is the possibility of horizontal distortions. I legitimately thought in the previous game, being the sci-fi setting in all, that this was part of the game. However, I saw this in the above game as well and I immediately knew that those distortions are equipment related and had nothing to do with the game.

When I went to test it out the day of recording, the distortions were gone. I don’t know for sure why the distortions disappeared (as this makes the issue more difficult to diagnose), however, the leading theory I have is the fact that one of the devices was laying flat on the table. During the previous recording, it was partly held up by the cable, so I’m thinking that this might have contributed to it. So, this will be something that I will keep an eye on in the future. I’ll try to narrow down an actual cause rather than having a theory and reduce its appearance moving forward.

Anyway, this game represents the newest game yet that I have ever played. Previously, that title belonged to three 2015 titles up until now. So, I am moving forward to newer and newer games which is something I am very excited for. Hopefully, you like me tackling newer games as well as I suspect that will be happening more as time goes on.

For those who have played this game, what did you think of it? Was it a great addition to the series or was it, in your view, a bit more like a situation of “more of the same”?

If you haven’t played this game, but have played other games in the franchise, does this look like an interesting game to play for you or are you tired of the formula for the Uncharted series?

For those who haven’t played the Uncharted game at all, what did you think of what you saw in this video? Does this look like an interesting game to play or is there an aspect about what you saw in this footage that seems a bit off putting? Let us know in the comments below!

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