
Deep Discussion with Brian Fox, Original Author of GNU Bash Shell, Orchid Co-Founder

Deep Discussion with Brian Fox, Original Author of GNU Bash Shell, Orchid Co-Founder

Michael Rosenblat sits down with Brian Fox, who is a long time tech industry pioneer. He is the original author of the GNU Bash shell which is used to this day in millions of computers, across most Linux and Apple products. He also runs his own technology investment firm and is a co-founder of Orchid, a leading blockchain-based project, improving on modern VPN services. They are gaining traction quickly. It was an honor to have Brian on. Brian is a veteran, free-thinker, and someone we can all learn from.

Orchid Twitter: https://twitter.com/OrchidProtocol
Orchid Website: https://www.orchid.com/

Mike Twitter: https://twitter.com/CryptyMike

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