
What is branch in github | How to create a branch

What is branch in github | How to create a branch

A branch is a parallel version of a repository. It is contained within the repository, but does not affect the primary or main branch allowing you to work freely without disrupting the “live” version. When you’ve made the changes you want to make, you can merge your branch back into the main branch to publish your changes.When you create a repository with content on GitHub, GitHub creates the repository with a single branch. This first branch in the repository is the default branch. The default branch is the branch that GitHub displays when anyone visits your repository. The default branch is also the initial branch that Git checks out locally when someone clones the repository. Unless you specify a different branch, the default branch in a repository is the base branch for new pull requests and code commits.Branches allow you to develop features, fix bugs, or safely experiment with new ideas in a contained area of your repository.
You always create a branch from an existing branch. Typically, you might create a new branch from the default branch of your repository. You can then work on this new branch in isolation from changes that other people are making to the repository. A branch you create to build a feature is commonly referred to as a feature branch or topic branch.git,github,git,github,github tutorial,git tutorial,repository,commit,branch,pull request,version control,repository tutorial,commit tutorial,version control tutorial,team programming,teamwork,teamwork coding,how to use github,how to use git,how-to (version control),how to get started with github,beginner tutorial,how to setup github,first time github,repo,github version control,git branch tutorial,github branches,what is a git branch, github tutorial,git basics,how to use git,git vs github,how to use github,github basics,github tutorial 2019,github explained,git explained,intro to git,intro to github,repository tutorial,github mac,version control,git,github,github branch tutorial,github branching and merging,github branches explained,github branching strategy,github branch pull request,git branching,git branching and merging strategies,git branch tutorial,git branching and merging, git in hindi,git branch,what is branch in git,what is git branch,git branch tutorial,git tutorial in hindi, github,pull request,github master branch,merge pull request,selenium,selenium automation,git,master branch,github new branch,merge,github pull request,github merge pull request, telusko,navin,reddy,tutorial,java,git,github,hub,branch,pull,request,requests,merge,project, git (software),version control,workflow, git tutorial,git tutorial for beginners,git tutorial for beginners windows,git branch tutorial,git branching,version control,pull request,github tutorial,git branch,git production staging development,git production deployment,learn git in hindi,git tutorial in hindi,git tutorials in hindi,learn git and github for beginners,learn git and github in 20 minutes,learn git and github without any code,branches in git, git branching,git branching tutorial,git branching explained,git branches,git branches explained,git branches tutorial,git merge tutorial,git checkout tutorial,git checkout branch,branches in git,creating branches in git,branches github,create branch in git,git delete branch,git tutorial branch,how to create branches github,how to create branches git,how to create merging branch git,create branch in github,git branching and merging

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