
How to host websites using WHM – Web Hosting Manager

How to use WHM?

Today lets learn on how to start your very own web hosting service using WHM.
WHM is an abbreviation for WebHosting Manager.

In this video tutorial you will learn how run a reseller account or create accounts for your different clients.

So that each have their own CPanel details. This way you can easily manage each account by increasing their bandwidth or hosting quota space and more.

So lets dive in.

Introduction to WHM which is product of CPanel.
Site5 and Amazon S3
How to create a package in WHM?
Create a new account in WHM?
Show new accounts CPanel pages.
Create one more account in WHM.
Change quotas for the second account.
Access website and CPanel of the second website.
Terminate the website. Then access the same url to see how it works.

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