JavaScript Coding Practice |Concatenate Objects with Spread Operator | AK@Tech |

JavaScript Coding Practice |Concatenate Objects with Spread Operator | AK@Tech |

JavaScript Coding Practice |Concatenate Objects with Spread Operator | AK@Tech |

Given three objects model, engine, and carDetails.
Write a JS program to merge the model, and engine objects into the carDetails object using the spread operator.
The first line of input contains an object.
The second line of input contains an object.
The output should be a single line containing the given console statement.
Given objects should contain the same keys as in sample inputs. Keys of the objects should be given in quotes.
Sample Input 1: Sample Output 1
{‘model’:’Amaze’} Amaze is powered with 4000cc engine.
Sample Input 2: Sample Output 2
{‘model’:’i10’} i10 is powered with 3000cc engine.