
Hackers Using CloudFlare SSL NOW? CrAZy Expose!

Hackers Using CloudFlare SSL NOW? CrAZy Expose!

Here I am, explaining the new Phishing-as-a-Service hacker model by looking into Caffeine and GUESS what I find out…

Hackers are using the Cloudflare SSL service. Watch till the end.

Cybercriminals are increasingly turning into service providers, which includes offering phishing as a service (PaaS). Instead of engaging in cyberattacks on their own, they are assisting others in doing so in exchange for payment.

Caffeine, a phishing-as-a-service (PhaaS) platform, is unique in that it offers an open registration procedure that does not need invites or referrals, allowing anybody who registers to access all of the tools needed to start phishing attacks.

It is built on the Software as a Service (SaaS) business model, where clients pay a monthly charge to gain access to the software.

This gives attackers a new source of income and makes it possible for anybody to conduct more expert assaults.

Rhyno Article: https://rhyno.io/researchers-issue-warning-regarding-new-phishing-as-a-service-model-used-by-cyber-criminals/
Mendiant Article: https://www.mandiant.com/resources/blog/caffeine-phishing-service-platform

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