How to convert binary to ascii in Golang 1.20

How to convert binary to ascii in Golang 1.20

How to convert binary to ascii in Golang 1.20

In this video we are going to generate source code for the GoLang Program, How to convert binary to ascii using chatGPT.
After generating we will verify and run the generated code.

Important note on source code: only source code that are acceptable by the youtube description box will be displayed.

##############SOURCE CODE#########################

package main

import (

func binaryToDecimal(binary string) int64 {
decimal, _ := strconv.ParseInt(binary, 2, 64)
return decimal

func main() {
var binary string
fmt.Print(“Enter a binary number: “)
decimal := binaryToDecimal(binary)
ascii := string(decimal)
fmt.Printf(“ASCII equivalent: %s”, ascii)

Below is the explanation for the program:

We start by importing the fmt and strconv packages. fmt provides functions for formatting and printing data,
while strconv provides functions for converting strings to various numeric types.

We define a function binaryToDecimal that takes a binary string and returns its decimal equivalent as an int64.
The function uses the strconv.ParseInt function to parse the binary string and convert it to a decimal number.

In the main function, we declare a variable binary to hold the binary number entered by the user.
We use fmt.Scanln to read the input from the user and store it in binary.

We call the binaryToDecimal function to convert binary to its decimal equivalent, and store the result in a variable called decimal.

We convert decimal to its ASCII equivalent by using the string function, which converts a Unicode code point to its corresponding string representation.

Finally, we print the ASCII equivalent using fmt.Printf.

That’s it! The binaryToDecimal function does the heavy lifting in this program, as it performs the actual conversion from binary to decimal.

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