
Intel ARC A770 LE Benchmark – Red Dead Redemption 2 – DX12 v Vulkan v ReBAR

Intel ARC A770 LE Benchmark – Red Dead Redemption 2 – DX12 v Vulkan v ReBAR

Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2) – Embedded Benchmark
Intel ARC A770 Limited Edition GPU – Light Overclock – Fans 100%
Intel i5-10600KF CPU – Stock

We test DX12 and Vulkan API back to back, and for fun disable Resizable BAR (ReBAR). I was surprised to see the Vulkan API outperform DX12, though this was a single pass with both API so might just have been that one run. Settings were quite high for these benchmarks, though other than changing API they were identical for every test. If I was going to play RDR2 on this A770LE I would most likely decrease a few graphic settings to get the FPS a bit higher and more stable. If you’re stuck with a 60Hz monitor, I would also enable V-Sync.

Thanks for watching!

How to install your A770:

How to get fan control on your A770 (as of March 8, 2023):

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