
C# Beginners Course: Debugging C# in VSCode

Video lectures for my C# beginners course at the HTL Leonding (https://htl-leonding.ac.at). You can find the slides for this course at https://htl-leo-prog-1.github.io/programming_fundamentals_cs/.

Please make sure to watch the previous videos of this course (https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhGL9p3BWHwsJN6kbQPOVZpEw2NXQXZQN) in order to have all the necessary prerequisites.

00:00:00 Welcome, introduction
00:00:28 Exercises
00:01:56 What is a Debugger?
00:05:54 Preparing VSCode for debugging
00:07:29 Tipps and tricks for debugging in VSCode
00:12:06 Switching to terminal for ReadLine support
00:18:12 Watch expressions
00:20:46 Recap
00:22:31 Closing

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