
What makes MariaDB unique?

What makes MariaDB unique?

In this video, Alejandro Duarte (Developer Advocate at MariaDB), answers three key questions about MariaDB:

0:12 Can you tell us a little bit about MariaDB and what makes it unique?
1:23 What kind of businesses or organizations is MariaDB best suited for?
2:08 Can you provide any examples of customers who use MariaDB in their operations?

Key takeaways:

►Transactional workloads 👉 InnoDB
►Analytical workloads 👉 ColumnStore
►Read-heavy workloads 👉 Aria
►Write-heavy 👉 MyRocks
►Sharding 👉 Spider
►Scale both reads and writes 👉 Xpand
►Use NoSQL queries or export data to Kafka 👉 MaxScale

► Samsung customer story: https://mariadb.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/samsung-cloud-authenticates-10-billion-requests-daily-with-mariadb-xpand_customer-story_1127.pdf

►Follow Alejandro Duarte on Twitter: https://twitter.com/alejandro_du
►Follow MariaDB on Twitter: https://twitter.com/mariadb
►Subscribe to the MariaDB channel: https://www.youtube.com/mariadb

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