Adobe Coldfusion 11 Tutorials | Constructor Methods, Component & Template Files | Chap-2 | Part-2

Adobe Coldfusion 11 Tutorials | Constructor Methods, Component & Template Files | Chap-2 | Part-2

Adobe Coldfusion 11 Tutorials | Constructor Methods, Component & Template Files | Chap-2 | Part-2

Previously, in the last video, we initially started discussing on Adobe Coldfusion components that helps us to separate programming logic from a template file to a component. We will try to implement what we have already discussed. Components have been defined in their own class along with a constructor method. A constructor methods, represents the component itself. Whenever a component is declared and initialized, the constructor method is initialized too. Unlike many other programming languages where properties are declared out of the methods scopes, an attribute is created in the constructor method and every attribute is defined with the attributes keyword. In this lesson specifically, we will define a new structure inside our attributes and use the this context to return the structural variables’ values.

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