
How to connect TypeORM with MongoDB? | Step-by-Step Approach | Learn TypeORM

How to connect TypeORM with MongoDB? | Step-by-Step Approach | Learn TypeORM

TypeORM became popular as an ORM for SQL Databases such as Postgres or MySQL. However, TypeORM has also started supporting MongoDB which is a NoSQL database.

But why does it matter to use TypeORM with MongoDB?

For one, applications following a microservice-based architecture may have multiple databases in their overall application design. It is not unheard of that a single application boundary might have a SQL database for some of its functions and NoSQL databases for something else. However, still the larger portion of usage is for SQL databases.

If a team is working on TypeORM with a SQL database, chances are that they have become pretty comfortable with TypeORM. However, using another framework for a NoSQL based functionality might lead to some cost run-ups as the developers get used to another ORM specifically designed for NoSQL databases. This is where TypeORM MongoDB support can come in quite handy.

In this video, we will learn how to connect TypeORM with a MongoDB database. Also, we will look at how to handle MongoDB documents and subdocuments with TypeORM.

#TypeORM #MongoDB #TypeORMTutorial


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