
林彦俊 X 万鹏《遇到你》 | Crush OST by Evan Lin & Wan Peng

林彦俊 X 万鹏《遇到你》 | Crush OST by Evan Lin & Wan Peng

If you haven’t watch this drama yet, I hope this video would grab your interest to watch it.
If you had finished watching this drama, I hope this video would refresh your memory the sweet moments that Su Nianqin (苏念衾) and Sang Wuyan (桑无焉) gathered together.

This drama is the first drama that Evan Lin acts as male leader, his performance really better than my expectation!!

Actually there are still many sweet moments, unfortunately one song is not enough to include all of them. Hope you guys like it. ❤️

Name of the Drama : Crush
Name of the Song : Meeting You (遇到你 Yu Dao Ni)
Male Leader : Evan Lin (Lin Yan Jun)
Female Leader : Wan Peng


我是真的很爱这部剧,爱到我东山再起做fan made video啦~

呕心沥血用了6天来剪辑视频,对饭制视频有要求的我,很坚持尽量卡歌词、卡节奏、卡鼓点,也许还不是很完美,但我已尽最大的努力了。😭😭 其实呢,还有很多高甜瞬间,但是素材实在太多了,一首歌的时间真不够用。🥲🥲

林彦俊,如果你看到这条视频,我希望你还是好好地活着,你这次的表现绝对对得起你沉淀下来去上表演课的那段时光。期待你下一部剧 ❤️

电视剧 :原来我很爱你
歌名 : 遇到你
男主角 : 林彦俊
女主角 : 万鹏

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