
ASP.NET Zero — Explainer Video

ASP.NET Zero — Explainer Video

ASP.NET Zero is an awesome example of the starting point of an enterprise product. It is built using the excellent ABP framework that delivers best practices, flexibility, simplicity, and power all in one package.

ASP.NET Zero is a base solution for your next web application. You can get its source code as a base solution and develop your business on top of it.

The message is clear: Don’t start from scratch, start from Zero!

► LEARN MORE ABOUT ASP.NET ZERO: https://bit.ly/2J9eQ47
► WATCH THE EXPLAINER VIDEO: https://bit.ly/2xhQnqW
► WATCH THE DEMO: https://bit.ly/33Fp71F
► GO TRY LIVE DEMO: https://bit.ly/2WAQnwK

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