
MAXVAC speaks with Dr Vilas Navapurkar – Presentation & Interview

MAXVAC speaks with Dr Vilas Navapurkar – Presentation & Interview

#hospital #covid19 #covid #covidvaccine #virus #airpurifier #cleanair #allergy

MAXVAC speaks with Dr Vilas Navapurkar, Consultant Anaesthetist at Cambridge University Hospitals.

Interview Question chapters:
32:40 – Why did you start your research at Addenbrookes?
33:09 – Why is this important?
38:15 – Has covid changed the way that you look at transmission?
42:07 – When you look at machines and other ways of mitigating, why don’t you just open up a window?
44:03 – Could the machines remove mould and is mould an important factor?
46:09 – the service that you’re setting up, is that something that you are doing on your own at Addenbrookes?
46:48 – If you had a magic wand, what would you like to see? And if so, what would be the impact?
49:05 – Do you think that there’s opportunity to have a national air standard?
50:10 – How many air changes is a sensible number of air changes in a room?
51:22 – Do the levels of the amount of people really matter that much?
52:11 – During your study you put units in an ICU ward. Would you widen that if you could?
53:41 – Do you believe in the future, that we will have similar systems for air treatment as we do for water treatment?

Further reading:
Ten scientific reasons in support of airborne transmission of SARS-Cov-2

The Removal of Airborne Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (Sars-Con-2) and Other Microbial Bioaerosols by Air Filtration on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Surge Units

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