
Learn Kubernetes this way Lesson 1 featuring Manifests

Learn Kubernetes this way Lesson 1 featuring Manifests

There are two ways to deploy applications in Kubernetes Clusters.

In this video, we start learning Kubernetes by deploying applications like Nginx and Grafana using YAML files known as Manifests.
Then you will learn all you need to know about Manifests

You need to create a cluster on your PC using Virtualbox
If you are not sure how to do that this video will guide you:

However, if you want to experiment with Kubernetes Clusters
you need to use the Rancher K3S Kubernetes to do that you should consider
using Proxmox to do that, have a look at this video:

For this lesson these are the resources you need to look at:
1. http://rino.kozow.com/kubernetes/posts/kubernetes-lesson-1/
2. http://rino.kozow.com/kubernetes/posts/nginx-test-deployment/
3. http://rino.kozow.com/kubernetes/posts/grafana-deployment-using-manifest/
4. http://rino.kozow.com/kubernetes/posts/explaining-the-kubernetes-yamls/

In the next lesson, we will learn how to deploy applications using the Kubernetes

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