
DEFCON 18: Connection String Parameter Attacks 3/3

DEFCON 18: Connection String Parameter Attacks 3/3

Speakers: Chema Alons, José Palazón “Palako

This session is about Parameter Pollution in Connection Strings Attack. Today, a lot of tools and web applications allow users to configure dynamically a connection against a Database server. This session will demonstrate the high risk in doing this insecurely. This session will show how to steal, in Microsoft Internet Information Services, the user account credential, how to get access to this web applications impersonating the connection and taking advance of the web server credentials and how to connect against internal databases servers in the DMZ without credentials. The impact of these techniques are especially dangerous in hosting companies which allow customers to connect against control panels to configure databases.

For presentations, whitepapers or audio version of the Defcon 18 presentations visit: http://defcon.org/html/links/dc-archives/dc-18-archive.html

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