
Learn How to Create the Perfect SharePoint Navigation | SharePoint Mega Menu

Learn How to Create the Perfect SharePoint Navigation | SharePoint Mega Menu

In this SharePoint tutorial I will demonstrate to you how to build a SharePoint mega menu.
This feature is known as the SharePoint Hub navigation bar and requires that the site is enabled as a Hub site first.
If you are unsure of how to enable your SharePoint site as a Hub site check out my previous video that details how to achieve this.
Building out a mega menu is a great way to speed up the navigation for your end users.
In this video i will also show you how to use SharePoint audience targeting to customise the user experience.

#sharepoint mega menu
#sharepoint online mega menu
#sharepoint online mega menu modern
#how to create a mega menu in sharepoint
#sharepoint online mega menu examples
#sharepoint online mega menu team site
#sharepoint online modern site mega menu
#sharepoint online mega menu navigation
#sharepoint modern intranet
#sharepoint global navigation

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