Java Programming | In One Video

Java Programming | In One Video

Java Programming | In One Video

Giraffe Academy is rebranding! I’ve decided to re-focus the brand of this channel to highlight myself as a developer and teacher! The newly minted Mike Dane channel will have all the same content, with more to come in the future!

Overview – 1:32
Setup – 2:55
Printing – 4:18
Variables & Data Types – 4:42
Casting – 7:16
Strings – 8:27
Numbers – 10:14
User Input – 12:46
Arrays – 14:40
2d Arrays – 16:31
ArrayLists – 17:26
Methods – 18:58
If Statements – 20:43
Switch Statements – 22:28
While Loops – 23:24
For Loops – 24:31
Exception Catching – 25:59
Classes & Objects – 27:51
Constructors – 30:33
Getters & Setters – 31:35
Inheritance – 32:54
Abstract Classes – 36:18
Interface Inheritance – 37:38

Source Code –

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