
মোবাইল ফোনে কোডিং Practice | Html, Css, Javascript

মোবাইল ফোনে কোডিং Practice | Html, Css, Javascript

anWriter is a text editor for web programmers (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)

anWriter HTML editor helps you to write code:
It offers an autocompletion support for: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, LaTeX (PHP, SQL in pro version).

It supports modern technologies:
It offers an autocompletion support for HTML 5, CSS 3, jQuery, Bootstrap, and Angular

It supports FTP:
You can download a file from the FTP server, send a file to the FTP server, and browse directories on the FTP server.

It allows previewing web pages in application:
Allow you to get a quick preview of your web page in an internal viewer. You don’t need to open a browser. The integrated viewer has a JS error console.

It supports not only web technologies:
Besides HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP our editor supports syntax highlighting for C/C++, Java, SQL, Python, LaTeX. Also, it offers autocompletion for C and Python standard functions and keywords.

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