
Lesson 23: C Programming – SizeOf – how many bytes does a variable or data type takes up. #shorts

Lesson 23: C Programming – SizeOf – how many bytes does a variable or data type takes up. #shorts

In C programming language, sizeof is a built-in operator that returns the size of a variable or data type in bytes. It is often used to determine the amount of memory needed to store a variable or to allocate memory dynamically for an object.

sizeof is a special tool in C programming that tells you how much space a variable or data type takes up in your computer’s memory. It’s like a measuring tape for your computer’s memory!

This tool is popular because it can help you do many useful things. For example, you can use it to figure out how much memory you need to reserve for a variable, so that you can store data in it. You can also use it to initialize arrays with the correct number of elements, or to move pointers by the right amount.

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