
How To Install Kali Linux On Android Device NO ROOT Easily, Kali Linux On Android

How To Install Kali linux On Android Device.
So today in this Video i have shown you guys how to install kali linux on android device no ROOT Easily. Well i know lot of you guys want to do penetration test on your android as well so i planed, Hmm let’s make video on how to install kali linux on android xD haha. I hope you guys like this video and learn new thing. xD

Well from today your android device is a beast that you can do what i have taught you in video lol.

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🧡💛💚All commands and detailed guide: https://www.haxoid.com/how-to-install-kali-linux-nethunter-on-android-phone-without-root-easily/

Install kali Linux on android easily
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Well here is some download source:

Kali linux nethunter page with all the commands that i have use: https://www.kali.org/docs/nethunter/nethunter-rootless/

Nethunter store download: https://store.nethunter.com/en/
Nethunter kex direct download: https://store.nethunter.com/repo/com.offsec.nethunter.kex_11407306.apk

Termux: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.termux&hl=en&gl=US

Copy and paste from my blog
Please Follow my video properly 🙂

Else Type them xD sorry!!

Easy see? 😀

What’s the next video let me know in a comment, -_- Hmm if you don’t comment then how can i make a video that you like 🙁 sorry !!! Please comment if possible LMAO!!

it’s haxoid, your android tech Guy..
See you guys in next video 🙂


This video is based on educational purpose and learning material. This video don’t show you to harm anyone!
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