Godwin Haylock is the New U.D.P. Queen’s Square Standard Bearer

Godwin Haylock is the New U.D.P. Queen’s Square Standard Bearer

Godwin Haylock is the New U.D.P. Queen’s Square Standard Bearer

Visit youtube.com/gbtvfeed for the live stream of the entire newscast, or visit www.channel5belize.com for a text transcript.

For the first time since 1984, the United Democratic Party has a standard bearer in the Queen’s Square Division who does not bear the last name “Barrow”. On Sunday, attorney Godwin Haylock emerged victorious over Shane Williams in an election convention to succeed incumbent Area Representative, Denise “Sista B” Barrow. The day’s proceedings went without incident and carried an overall cordial atmosphere, as both contenders and their supporters were civil and even friendly towards each other. But at the end of the day, the results reflected that at the polls, the eight hundred plus U.D.P. Queen’s Square supporters who turned out to vote had a clear favourite in Haylock. News Five’s Marion Ali reports. .