String in C language Excercise 02 | LIVE Zero to Hero in C language (FREE) #Day31

String in C language Excercise 02 | LIVE Zero to Hero in C language (FREE) #Day31

String in C language Excercise 02 | LIVE Zero to Hero in C language (FREE) #Day31

String in c language excercise.

00:00 Implement a logic for comparing two strings. display both are same or not (strcmp)
03:26 Wap to search how many times given character is present in the given array
06:42 Replace character (scan 2 characters from the user and replace them wherever present in the string).
09:40 Delete character (scan 2 characters from the user and delete them wherever present in the string).
19:50 Implement a logic for mixing 2 strings and generating a 3rd string. such a way that the 3rd string contains the alternative character of the 1st and 2nd strings.

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