
Architectures available to design a project in ASP.NET Core

Architectures available to design a project in ASP.NET Core

Monolithic architecture
This architecture consists of a single application that contains all the modules, components, and services. It is simple to develop and deploy, but it can become difficult to maintain and scale as the application grows.

Three-tier architecture
This architecture consists of three layers: Presentation layer, Business logic layer, and Data access layer. The Presentation layer handles the user interface, the Business logic layer contains the application logic, and the Data access layer is responsible for interacting with the database. This architecture is easy to maintain and test, but it can become complex as the application grows.

Microservices architecture:
This architecture consists of multiple small services that communicate with each other through APIs. Each service is responsible for a specific functionality, and they can be developed and deployed independently. This architecture is highly scalable and resilient, but it can be complex to design and deploy.

Clean Architecture:
This architecture is a modular and testable architecture that separates the application into layers, such as Entities, Use Cases, Interface Adapters, and Frameworks & Drivers. It emphasizes separation of concerns, dependency inversion, and testability. It is highly maintainable and flexible, but it requires more upfront design and planning.

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