
Quantum Kinetics Corporation – The Sun – Quantum Tunneling

Quantum Kinetics Corporation – The Sun – Quantum Tunneling

The Sun naturally fuses particles together. The academic scholars would all agree, that gravity is the force that sustains Plasma Fusion in our Sun. Ultimately, the Sun causes elements to fuse atomically due to it’s intense gravitational flux (lines). However, what exactly is gravity? Why can’t we humans “trigger” and “sustain” that type of fundamental force safely? The answer is, “Quantum Kinetics” (Black Body Radiator). Or more specifically, “Quantum Tunneling”. We are proud to announce, Plasma Fusion is here now for industry.

Our patented, trademarked and verified research proves that we humans can now successfully manipulate “gravity waves”. We call this electrical phenomenon, “The Quantum Kinetic Well”. It can be classified as a 3-Dimensional Wave… (Synthetic Black Body Radiator – Tractor Beam i.e. Resonant Waves Induced by Semi-Conducting Materials)

The application of this technology is wide ranging. It is only limited to the imagination you put it to work. We now can safely sustain Sun like plasma temperatures 11.6 to 200 million degrees (Kelvin) (1KeV – 18.6KeV X-rays) here on Earth. Nuclear plant are innately dangerous because of vibrations and destruction (discharge destruction of vessels) and/or overheating fission reactor leaks (radioactive nuclides). This is not a problem with the Arc Reactor and the Quantum Kinetic Well. Atomic Isotope manipulation is easy, cheap and safe. And it all starts at ~1.9 Watts/Sec.

Research shows that the Quantum Kinetic Well phenomenon fabricates Gold (Au), Silver (Ag), Uranium (U), Carbon (organic & inorganic), Titanium (Ti), Sulfur (S), Silicon (Si), and many other atomic structures from 99% lab-grade D2O (Deuterium-Oxide) dielectric mediums.

Check out our Patreon page for ‘Subscription Access’ to the D2O Cold Fusion – Research Findings.

“Truth is Stranger than Fiction…”

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WARNING: Please, follow all Local, National, and International regulation laws for cold cathode ionization radiation device(s).

The 4 stages of any revolutionary technological advancement:
1. It’s crazy and not worth my time.
2. Oh, that is interesting but not really important.
3. I always said it was a good idea.
4. I thought of it first.

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