
Home Assistant and Nextcloud through Nginx Reverse Proxy

Home Assistant and Nextcloud through Nginx Reverse Proxy

This is my attempt to make it easier for you to set up Nginx Reverse Proxy to use both Home Assistant and Nextcloud in your home accessible from outside.

I used two different domains from duckdns.org. You can use any other domain.
Nginx then receives the traffic and redirects it to either Nextcloud or Home Assistnt.
I decided to use docker-compose as it makes setting everything up a breeze. And if you hardware fails, you can just re-set it up really quickly.

Repository with the config files: github.com/GustawXYZ/reverseproxy-ha-and-nc

00:00 Introduction
01:11 Setup overview
01:55 How to lunch it
03:30 docker-compose.yaml
07:45 reverse-proxy.conf
11:20 end to end setup overview
12:20 certbot
14:05 outro

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