Flutter App Development Demo | Pentest Reporting Application | IOS & Android

Flutter App Development Demo | Pentest Reporting Application | IOS & Android

Flutter App Development Demo | Pentest Reporting Application | IOS & Android

Welcome! This is just a brief demo of an app that I have been working on using the Flutter SDK. This app allows teams of Penetration Testers to collaborate during professional penetration tests.

Team members can create reports, request re-tests, export reports, message other members, leave comments, and more features in the future!
I plan on implementing ChatGPT as a way to elaborate on certain portions of the report prior to exporting the PDF.

This app is developed using the Flutter SDK within Android Studio. It is not yet released, although I do plan to in the future. Let me know if you have any ideas for additional features. I plan on releasing a beta version and will need beta testers, preferably people who Pentest on a regular basis, please comment if your interesting in beta testing for me!