Tryptophan-ANS FRET Study by Modifying ATPase N-domain of Trp Residue | Protocol Preview

Tryptophan-ANS FRET Study by Modifying ATPase N-domain of Trp Residue | Protocol Preview

Tryptophan-ANS FRET Study by Modifying ATPase N-domain of Trp Residue | Protocol Preview

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Chemical Modification of the Tryptophan Residue in a Recombinant Ca2+-ATPase N-domain for Studying Tryptophan-ANS FRET – a 2 minute Preview of the Experimental Protocol

José G. Sampedro, Yolanda Cataño
Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, Instituto de Física;

ANS binds to the Ca2+-ATPase recombinant N-domain. Fluorescence spectra display a FRET-like pattern upon excitation at a wavelength of 295 nm. NBS-mediated chemical modification of Trp quenches the fluorescence of the N-domain, which leads to the absence of energy transfer (FRET) between the Trp residue and ANS.

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