
Host a Static Website in Google Cloud Storage | Free web hosting

Host your static website for free in google cloud storage. No webserver needed!!!. You will get a $300 free credits so you can host your website for free for 12 months.

After that, you will have to pay a minimum monthly charge which will be less than other hosting providers.

More on the static web hosting doc,

Important Video Timelines:
0:35 – Creating the bucket in cloud storage
1:32 – Adding domain property in google search console to verify ownership
1:55 – Adding text record in your DNS settings
3:45 – Using gsutil to upload website files to the bucket
5:02 – Giving read permission for the bucket for accessing
5:44 – Mapping a custom domain to the created bucket
7:17 – Configuring default index and 404 error pages for the bucket

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