
DCS multi-thread on Intel ARC A770 GPU

DCS multi-thread on Intel ARC A770 GPU

Candy-gram. A few weeks ago I did a video when multi-thread came out. Little did I know I was not in multi-thread. The video explains it, but there are two different application files in the new OpenBeta version. Perhaps the veterans in DCS knew that or it is common knowledge. I did not know.

The bottom line is the A770 card does GREAT with the settings cranked up in multi-thread. Frame rates are higher but the bigger issue is the ability to have a higher level of detail dialed in and still have a flyable game. Wow.

There is still a bit of stutter when viewing from outside, but again, I had most of the settings near max. I am sure tweaking will make this a non-issue. Full disclosure, I only have 60Hz screens so this might be the problem. Not a techie, so I am not sure.

Additionally, Intel just came out with a driver update for ARC cards, hours before I did this video. Not sure it made a difference, but might be relevant.

I stand by my comment in the video about bombing vs shooting down other jets. The mono-a-mono thing does not influence wars. Blowing up lots of the other guy’s stuff en-masse does. Ultimately though it is the guy on the ground with a rifle that wins battles and wars. The rest of us are just there to support him (or now days her… or it, or… creature? Skynet?)

Yes, that is me with the F-16 and the first airplane I personally built by hand. I flew the Viper, and the F-18, at NSAWC (Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center). Great rides, good times.


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