
Unity Multiplayer with AWS & WebSockets

Unity Multiplayer with AWS & WebSockets

This is a follow up to the video on Unity Multiplayer with AWS services, if you haven’t watched it yet, check out part one below. This video demonstrates from the Unity side, how to establish a continuous connection to the custom AWS server we created in part 1, and communicate player actions to the server and other player session clients.

[Part 1 – Unity Multiplayer Server with AWS] https://youtu.be/X45VYma6738

[DodgeballLearn1 – example project in video] https://github.com/BatteryAcid/DodgeballLearn1
[basic-multiplayer-aws – lambda code in Part 1] https://github.com/BatteryAcid/basic-multiplayer-aws

[NativeWebSocket] https://github.com/endel/NativeWebSocket

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