
মাত্র ৫ মাসে App Developer হওয়ার মাস্টার প্লান।

মাত্র ৫ মাসে App Developer হওয়ার মাস্টার প্লান।

মাত্র ৫ মাসে App Developer হওয়ার মাস্টার প্লান। How to become a app developer. how to become a andriod developer. how to make money online app development roadmap,

Promo Code: HABLUPRO

Discount: 25%

Payment link – https://ostad.app/course/flutter

1. Rabbil Hasan
Founder, Learn with Rabbil

2. Rafat J.M.
Software Engineer, Vivasoft

3. Saiaf Anan
Subject Matter Expert on Flutter, Ostad

Host: Eshan Ahmed Ahad
Founder, Hablu Programmer

আমার সাথে যোগাযোগ করুনঃ
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/eshanahmedahad/
Fb Page: https://www.facebook.com/HP.Eshan
FB ID: https://www.facebook.com/EshanAhmedAhad/
ফেসবুক পেজ- https://www.facebook.com/HabluProgrammers

for business inquiries: habluprogrammer@gmail.com

আমাদের চ্যানেলের অন্যান্য ভিডিও গুলো দেখতে ভিজিট করুন এই প্লে লিস্ট গুলোঃ
1. HTML5 Tutorial For Beginners: https://cutt.ly/qG3IqD7

2. CSS3 Bangla Tutorial: https://cutt.ly/bG3Itz7

3. Git & Github Bangla Tutorial: https://cutt.ly/qG3Iuth

4. Visual Studio Code Bangla Tutorial: https://cutt.ly/BG3Iog8

5. Bootstrap 5 Bangla Tutorials: https://cutt.ly/aG3IpfF

6. Javascript Tutorial For Beginners: https://cutt.ly/UG3IpKe

7. Es6 Bangla Tutorial | Modern Javascript: https://cutt.ly/wG3Iac9

8. Javascript DOM & BOM Bangla Tutorial: https://cutt.ly/sG3IaMT

9. Javascript Projects For Beginners : https://cutt.ly/GG3IsRz

10. Chrome DevTools Bangla Tutorial: https://cutt.ly/RG3Is70

11. Tailwind CSS Tutorial (Bangla): https://cutt.ly/VG3IfxP

12. React JS Bangla Tutorial : https://cutt.ly/xG3Igbt

13. React Material UI Tutorial (Bangla): https://cutt.ly/jG3Iha6

14. Typescript Bangla Tutorial: https://cutt.ly/rG3IjL8

15. PSD TO HTML Bangla Tutorial: https://cutt.ly/AG3IkvZ

16. Figma To HTML Bangla Tutorial: https://cutt.ly/sG3Ik7x

17. AI To HTML Bangla Tutorial: https://cutt.ly/2G3IlEz

18. XD TO HTML : https://cutt.ly/CG3Izxn

19. Sketch To HTML Bangla Tutorial: https://cutt.ly/VG3Ixql

20. Frontend Development: https://cutt.ly/gG3IxTe

21. Web Development Full Course: https://cutt.ly/1G3Icgc

Hablu Programmer Team
Youtube: https://m.youtube.com/habluprogrammer1
FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/HabluProgrammers
FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/habluprogrammer
Discord: https://discord.gg/S85s26RwNn
Telegram: https://t.me/habluprogrammer
On E-mail: habluprogrammer@gmail.com

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40:00 End Point & Suggestion

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