
ASP.NET Community Standup – Dev tunnels in Visual Studio for ASP.NET Core projects

ASP.NET Community Standup – Dev tunnels in Visual Studio for ASP.NET Core projects

The dev tunnels feature of Visual Studio 2022 enables ad-hoc connections between machines that can’t directly connect to each other. A URL is created that enables any device with an internet connection to connect to an ASP.NET Core project while it runs on localhost. Come join the team for an update on new features in dev tunnels for ASP.NET Core developers, including:
– Support for persistent and temporary tunnels
– Create and use tunnels with different accounts.
– UI to create and manage dev tunnels.
– UI to easily select the active tunnel to be used.
– No longer uses properties in launchSettings.json

Community Links: https://www.theurlist.com/aspnet-standup-2023-03-07

Featuring: Carolina Uribe-Gosselin (@caurgo), Brady Gaster (@bradygaster)

#aspnetcore #visualstudio

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