
Complete Guide to Input and Output in C Language for Beginners

Complete Guide to Input and Output in C Language for Beginners

Complete Guide to Input and Output in C Language for Beginners
we use the scanf() function to read input from the user. The syntax for using scanf()
the %d is a format specifier for reading an integer value. Similarly, you can use other format specifiers like %f for reading floating-point numbers, %c for reading characters, and so on.
Moving on to output, we use the printf() function to write output to the console. The syntax for using printf() is:
let’s see a practical example of how to use input and output functions in C. In this program, we’ll read two integers from the user and print their sum.
As you can see, we use the scanf() function to read two integers from the user and store them in variables a and b. Then, we use the printf() function to print the sum of a and b to the console.
Finally, let’s talk about some common mistakes that beginners make while using input and output functions in C. The most common mistake is using the wrong format specifier while reading or printing values. Another mistake is forgetting to add the newline character (n) at the end of the printf() statement, which results in the output not appearing on a new line.
That’s it for today’s video. I hope you found this tutorial helpful. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments section below. Don’t forget to like and subscribe to our channel for more programming tutorials. Thank you for watching!
Complete Guide to Input and Output in C Language for Beginners
Complete Guide to Input and Output in C Language for Beginners
Complete Guide to Input and Output in C Language for Beginners
Complete Guide to Input and Output in C Language for Beginners
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#cprogramming #InputandOutputinC #scanffunction #printffunction
#Formatspecifiers #Consoleinputandoutput

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