
True Plus Ture in JavaScript?

True Plus Ture in JavaScript?

I asked a question in community tab. It was: What’s the output of console log true + true. Options were true, 1, error and 2. It received 47 votes/answers. Most people selected true. But the answer is 2.

true + true equals 2 in javascript. Let me explain how. In JavaScript, when you try to perform arithmetic operations with non-numeric values, the language attempts to implicitly convert the non-numeric values into numbers before performing the operation. This is called type coercion.

When you have an expression like true + true, JavaScript converts the true values into their numeric equivalents. In this case, true is converted to the number 1. So the expression becomes 1 + 1, which equals 2.

For the expression true + true + 1, the same type coercion happens. The true values are converted to 1. So the expression becomes 1 + 1 + 1, which equals 3.

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