
Water Cooling Tutorial in 9 Easy Steps – Gaming PC Install Guide from Start to Finish

Water Cooling Tutorial in 9 Easy Steps – Gaming PC Install Guide from Start to Finish

Intro: How Liquid Cooling Works 1:27
1. Pick the Parts 1:56
2. Clean the Liquid Cooling Parts 3:05
3. Attach the Waterblocks 4:29
4. Install the Components 7:02
5. Modify the Cables 8:39
6. Bend and Install the Tubes 10:36
7. Add Liquid 13:18
8. Add LED Lights 15:09
BONUS: Cut a Window Frame 16:08
9. Boot it Up! 18:37

This was my first time building a PC, and I wanted to go all out while recording the whole process! Decided to make a tutorial for beginners or anyone interested in liquid cooling. Feel free to ask questions, I’ll do my best to answer.

1) Water Cooling Explained: https://youtu.be/iTD6Sayd8uw
2) NCASE M1 Build Vlog with specific details about the NCASE: https://youtu.be/8PrWb0sGL6g

1) All parts used in this build: https://pcpartpicker.com/b/w3vnTW
2) 3D Printable bending kit for 12mm tubes: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3409552
3) Carbide Create files for Window Frame: https://goo.gl/UkDd5m (Don’t just open the file and load it into your CNC Machine. Make sure to double check and edit the cutting settings as necessary.)

Q: How much did it cost?
A: The liquid cooling parts cost about $700, making this PC around $400-$550 more expensive than a non-Liquid cooled PC. (Remember, you still have to buy fans or a cooling system for the CPU and GPU if you don’t liquid cool).

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