
Getting to Know Kaj Arnö, CEO of the MariaDB Foundation

Getting to Know Kaj Arnö, CEO of the MariaDB Foundation

Kaj Arnö, CEO of the MariaDB Foundation, joins Avi and Matt on the Hacking Open Source Business podcast to answer some rapid-fire questions. Kaj’s insights cover topics like his go-to open source software (Python), his favorite food (sushi), and the business book he recommends (‘Writing Business Proposals’). The hosts ask Kaj about his first job, his admired company (Microsoft), and the last book he read (‘The Hangover 1945’). Find out more about Kaj and the open-source space in this engaging conversation.

This is the first part of our interview with Kaj! Check out the others!

Full interview: https://youtu.be/mojhiahl2NY

Checkout our other interviews, clips, and videos: https://l.hosbp.com/Youtube

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