
#2 Java Development Kit (JDK) Setup

#2 Java Development Kit (JDK) Setup

In this lecture we are discussing about setup and tools required:

2)Compiler or interpreter
3)Setup of jdk

editor -It is a software which is used to write code
example- notepad, notepad++, sublime, visual studio code..

IDE – It is a software which is used to write code and compile and run the code .
example -eclipse ide, IntelliJ ide , visual studio
Note: With adding some extension vs code also work as IDE.

— Visual studio and vs code both are different
— in this course we are follow vs code

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a lightweight, open-source code editor developed by Microsoft.
It is a cross-platform application that runs on Windows, Linux, and macOS. VS Code is built on the same underlying technology as Visual Studio,
but it is designed to be a more streamlined, lightweight development environment.

link for vs code:https://code.visualstudio.com/Download
step to install:
i)select in which os you using windows, linux or macOS as per system download.
ii)just install and go next — next –next.
iii)Now it is ready to use

Compiler and interpreter
–You should download compiler and interpreter to compile or run the code.
–for that we have toolkit jdk java development kit

two option to download jdk :
a) with oracle
b)open source like amazon cornetto

setup and installation for oracle jdk:
link to download:https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/downloads/

— Select long term support version that is jdk 17 as per your operating system
–after download just instal by clicking next — next –next
–Set path in environment variable

for that :
step 1:find– c drive — program files — java — jdk — bin
and copy this path e.g c:program filesjavajdk-17bin

step 2:open environment variable — system variable or user variable –path — edit — new — paste the path of bin folder of jdk
Note: what is the difference between user and system variable?
user variable is only for that user and system variable is for all user

step 3: save

open cmd or PowerShell :
write java –version and javac –version
to check perfectly your compiler and jvm path setup

Github repo : https://github.com/navinreddy20/Javacode.git

Java and Spring Framework For beginners with Spring Boot : – http://bit.ly/3LDMj8D

Java Tutorial for Beginners (2023) :- http://bit.ly/3yARVbN

Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/navinreddyofficial/
Linkedin : https://in.linkedin.com/in/navinreddy20
Discord : https://discord.gg/UrYda98D

More Learning :

Java – https://bit.ly/3xleOA2
Python :- https://bit.ly/3H0DYHx
Django :- https://bit.ly/3awMaD8
Spring Boot :- https://bit.ly/3aucCgB
Spring Framework :- https://bit.ly/3GRfxwe

Servlet & JSP :- https://bit.ly/3mh5CGz
Hibernate Tutorial :- https://bit.ly/3NWAKah
Rest API | Web Service Tutorial :- https://bit.ly/38RJCiy

Git :- https://bit.ly/3NUHB3V
JavaScript :- https://bit.ly/3mkcFys
Kotlin :- https://bit.ly/3GR2DOG

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