
Making a simple website in Notback PHP in 10 minutes (10 x speed)

Making a simple website in Notback PHP in 10 minutes (10 x speed)

Notback is a new PHP framework for front-end development.

This video is just to get you curious about how simple it is to build websites in Notback. More tutorials and guides will come soon. Subscribe to this channel or check out our website (link in channel).

The website in the video was made up while developing it, so structure, design etc. is very authentic and will need refactoring for optimized use of PHP and Notback. It’s just to show how easy it is to work with.

The final and refactored source code for this demo project will also be released soon together with a more detailed guide on how to build websites in Notback.

You can learn more on notback.io

00:00 Intro & Page Structure
01:21 Header
02:57 Products & Navigation Bar
06:10 Categories
07:19 The Bottom Section
08:06 Footer
09:17 Final Result

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