
3 How To install IIS on Azure VM

3 How To install IIS on Azure VM


► Azure Application Services
o Azure AI (NLP, speech recognition, voice synthesis, face detection, video indexing, and text analytics , Language Services)
o Azure Analytics (Backed by Apache, the analytics solution offers an interactive real-time workspace to your data engineers, data scientists, and business analysts working on shared projects that enable
them to quickly perform real-time analysis of large data sets on varied topics.)
o Azure IOT (Azure IoT offers numerous SDKs and integration support for connecting a range of IoT devices and gather insights from the incoming data with advanced analytics and visualization)
► Azure Data Services
o Azure Storage (Azure data services store and manage data on cloud. Microsoft Azure comes with a range of data services: Azure Storage, Azure SQL Database, Azure DocumentDB, Azure StorSimple,
and Azure Redis Cache.Azure Development Services)
► Azure Devlopment Services
o Azure DevOps ( automates your software delivery process and boosts your software development by providing an alternative to the self-managed CI/CD servers and open source DevOps tool)
► Azure Compute Services
o Azure VM
o Azure Container Services (Docker Kubernetes)
o Azure App Services
o Azure Batch
o Azure Service Fabric
► Azure Network Services
o These include Azure Virtual Network, Azure ExpressRoute, Azure-provided DNS, Azure Traffic Manager and Azure Content Delivery Network

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