Kruiz Control 1.6 Installation (OBS 28.0.1 – OBS Websocket 5.0.1)

Kruiz Control 1.6 Installation (OBS 28.0.1 – OBS Websocket 5.0.1)

Kruiz Control 1.6 Installation (OBS 28.0.1 - OBS Websocket 5.0.1)

Quick Instructional Video on installing Kruiz Control 1.60 with OBS 28.0.1 & Websocket 5.0.

KC Settings Documentation

KC Documentation

KC Support Discord

I used OBS Source in this video. The functionality of OBS Source has changed with the update to Websocket 5.0. It will *NOT* work with sources located within a Group in OBS. If you need to use Group sources, you will need to use OBS SceneSource “GroupName” “SourceName”