Cache Reserve: Eliminating the Creeping Costs of Egress Fees

Cache Reserve: Eliminating the Creeping Costs of Egress Fees

Cache Reserve: Eliminating the Creeping Costs of Egress Fees

Many organizations store large, infrequently changing assets like videos, images or large binary files on cloud provider networks for easy access. While this is more efficient and scalable than on-premises storage, any time an asset is fetched from the original server, an egress fee (or “egress tax”) is incurred. These egress fees can quickly add up and become a significant cost that is usually miscalculated or ignored during budgeting. Cloudflare’s Cache Reserve helps minimize egress fees by reducing unnecessary origin egress and optimizing cache hit ratios.

Join us as we discuss:
– The limitations of legacy storage solutions
– Why cloud egress fees are a major hidden charge for organizations
– How Cloudflare CDN and Cache Reserve can help maximize savings and optimize performance
– A technical walkthrough of these solutions