
Unlocking the Potential of Azure Functions | Azure Functions Community Standup

Unlocking the Potential of Azure Functions | Azure Functions Community Standup

Join us for the second-ever Azure Functions community live stream of 2023! Get an up-to-date overview of Azure functions triggers and bindings. Discover our new storage providers for Durable Functions to help you build stateful workloads with ease. Join us to expand your knowledge and take your Azure Functions skills to the next level!

00:00 Stream begins
03:04 Welcome to the Azure Functions Live Stream
03:50 What’s new in Azure Functions
10:04 Durable Functions – New Storage Providers
12:13 New Backends for Durable Functions
33:20 Resources

Community Links: https://aka.ms/azure-func-jumpstart

Featuring: Shreya Batra (@batrashreya), Lily Ma (@lilyyym1), Melony Qin (@MelonyQ)

#serverless #triggersandbindings #durablefunctions

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